Freezer Storage Chart


Mother of Nathan, Westley and Mindy,..

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  • BAKED GOODS breads, rolls, biscuits and unfrosted cakes 2-6 months
  • DAIRY butter/margarine 6-9 months cheese 6 months cream 2-4 months egg whites or yolks uncooked 12 months milk or buttermilk 3 months
  • MEATS: BEEF, PORK, LAMB Fresh: Chops 4-6 months Ground meat or stew meat 3-4 months Roasts 4-12 months Sausage, fresh 1-2 months Steaks 4-12 months Cooked meats/casseroles 2-3 months Process meats: bacon,ham, hotdogs and luncheon meat 1-2 months
  • POULTRY: Fresh chicken and turkey whole 12 months parts 9 months Cooked 1-3 months


Step 1

FISH & SEAFOOD: Fillets/Steaks Lean fish: (cod, sole, halibut, orange roughy,flounder) 12 months Fatty Fish: (catfish, perch, salmon, whitefish) 2-3 months Scallops/Shrimp Uncooked 3-6 months Cooked 2-3 months

Step 2

FRUITS: Fresh berries, cherries, peaches and pears 12 months Juice concentrates, frozen 12 months

Step 3

SOUPS & STEWS 2-3 months

Step 4

VEGETABLES Fresh Asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and pepper 12 month

Step 5

PIES Fruit - unbaked 8 months Fruit - baked 1-2 month

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