Recipe Type: Main Course

Venison Stew

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
Average Rating: (0 / 5)

Very savory venison stew. My absolute favorite way to eat venison. The longer you cook it, the more tender it gets. This is compliments of Emeril Lagasse.

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Spaghetti and Meatballs

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
Average Rating: (0 / 5)

Awesome spaghetti and meatballs.

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Recipe Type:
Average Rating: (0 / 5)

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Braised Balsamic Chicken

Recipe Type:
Average Rating: (0 / 5)

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Shrimp and Pancetta Over Torn Pasta Sheet

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
Average Rating: (0 / 5)

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Beef Stroganoff

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
Average Rating: (0 / 5)

Great, savory sauce. You can substitute thin slices of steak for the ground beef. This is an Emeril recipe.

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Chicken Scampi

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
Average Rating: (5 / 5)

This is a take on our version of the chicken scampi offered at cafe veloce in kirkland, wa.

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Buttermilk Pancakes

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
Average Rating: (0 / 5)


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Pesto Pizza With Roasted Garlic & Potato

Recipe Type: , Cuisine:
Average Rating: (4.2 / 5)

Mention potatoes on pizza and you’ll get one of two responses. From the folks who’ve tried it, you can expect an enthusiastic thumbs up. From everyonce else: a resounding “huh?” That’s the thing about pizza with potato – it sounds strange, until you try it, and then you just get ...

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Vietnamese Style Grilled Five Spice Chicken

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
Average Rating: (4.4 / 5)

It may not be in my best interest to admit this, but here goes nothing: grilling chicken scares me. It’s just too easy to get wrong. Black, cremated skin on the outside with an interior so pink that just looking at it might give you salmonella. Or worse, well-cooked flesh ...

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