Root Beer Jerky

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  • 2 Bottles (12 ounces each) root beer
  • 1 Tbsp. minced garlic
  • 1 tsp. freshley ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. liquid smoke
  • Salt and pepper to sprinkle
  • 1 lb. venison, elk, beef, etc strips


Step 1

Reduce root beer to 1 cup over medium heat. Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients with exception of the meat. Allow ingredients at least 15 minutes for flavors to blend. Add strips. Marinate at least one hour. For longer marinating time, place in the frefigerator in a covered container or in an airtight plastic bag. Remove from marinade and place in a drying environment. After putting strips in drying environment, sprinkle the top with extra salt and pepper.

Step 2

I use a dehydrator. Check dehydrator manual for drying time of 1 lb. of meat. Be sure to pull the meat out when it is still a little plump and moist. If you leave it too long, it will get very dry and tough.


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